Below you can find the proxy classification for inexperienced users. One may say the difference between proxy servers consists in applied protocols and technologies. So let’s start: - HTTP proxy is the most popular proxy type. It was initially developed for surfing the web, that’s why it works with any browser. Its capabilities have been improved, and they facilitate its compatibility with different applications. - Due to the SOCKS technology, a SOCKS proxy facilitates the work of practically any application via proxies ( a special software, a socksifier, is required).
Browsers did not initially work with SOCKS, that’s why they needed special applications facilitating interaction with proxies. Today some browsers enable your work with proxies, but they need to be properly configured, it means you’ve got to specify the protocol: SOCKS 4 or SOCKS 5. -CGI proxy or an anonymizer facilitates your work only via the browser. It is very easy to use, in addition, it can connect proxies into one chain.
When building a chain, HTTP or SOCKS proxies may be used as the final chain components. -FTP proxy facilitates your work only with FTP Servers. It’s especially convenient for downloading data from the web (this fact is confirmed by a number of programs with an embedded FTP client). It’s usually used in networks with security systems denying a direct Internet access.