SOCKS 4/5 is a popular acronym combining two network protocol versions –SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5. The key advantage of SOCKS (deriving from “sockets”) is a possibility of operation of client/server applications outside firewalling. It means that SOCKS proxy can accept a client’s request outside the firewall, view its access rights and transmit the request to an external server.
Also, SOCKS is a technology facilitating connection to network resources from the external client. SOCKS 5 difference from SOCKS 4 is that it provides UDP protocol support, and it’s capable to operate within strict authentication schemes, as well as supports network registration IPv6 (which is going to be embedded in the future, while the current IPv4 will run out of its potential soon). SOCKS 5 made it possible even for programs, which did not have this option initially, to operate via proxies.
To deploy this option, it’s required to use the special software, a socksifierfacilitating application’s functioning with SOCKS 4/5 proxy. You will be able to see SOCKS 4/5 potential via joint operation with proxy service. It is the only place where you can get access to over 4 thousand SOCKS 4/5 proxy servers around the world and appraise all advantages of this technology which allows to operate much faster and better on the web.
You should realize that they can find you after making any illegal acts on the web, but not always.
The explanation is that you leave traces in the form of proxy server logs, on the provider server, etc., when doing something on the Internet. The most of proxies, however, do not change the IP address (these servers are also called transparent); they simply allow caching data, i.e. accelerating resource access by content uploading to an intermediary server. Basically, all benefits of using a proxy server can be appreciated via proxy server services of where you’ve got a wide choice among over 4 thousand high speed and reliable proxy servers.